Friday, October 4, 2013

Not a sprint......

It is a MARATHON!!!

Sixteen years ago, I began a great adventure. Back then I probably thought it was just for a short time....a sprint maybe. Then God pierced my heart for young people and showed me that this was a life long journey. He called me out of my sin, saved me and then used my stained baggage to help others find hope in Christ. It sounds so "spiritual" and looks simple but it's not really. Walking alongside young people is a daily battle that is repeated over and over. It's messy and I get dirty. I get discouraged. I get fired up! It's one of those amazing privileges in life that few words can even touch. I love and adore teenagers!!! I see girls on the street and I want to ask them how they're doing! Like truly "how are you???"...."how is your heart today?"....and I want to take them to The Loft (a ministry for teen girls)!! I don't actually do that because I know how freaked out they would be! Hee hee!!

"We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak...." Romans 15:1

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." Ephesians 4:2

No matter how messy this life is, we are to "bear with" one another. We are to uphold each other in a loving way. Teenagers have such a difficult road that they are trying to navigate. They are young adults who are still children. Each day brings about some adult responsibilities yet they are kids on the inside who just want to be loved and cared for. My heart aches for them when they fall. It aches for them when they know the Truth and walk away from it. Bearing with one another is not a simple task. It's not easy but it's not optional. It's not quick. Bearing with one another is committing to God's people....God's children....and walking alongside them in the valleys and the mountain tops.

What is the secret into a teenagers life? It's RELATIONSHIP. That's it. Building trust, love and sincerity with them. They won't open up to just anyone. They are private and they protect their hearts with an iron gate. If we want to break through, we have to put in the time.....and it take a lot of time. Some young people that I've mentored are still in my life today. One girl back in high school accepted Christ as her Savior at 15. God poured her life right into my heart. She's now 25 and married......we still have a wonderful friendship. It's a beautiful marathon for sure.

God never intended for us to walk alone. Teenagers often times feel this way.....and that lonliness turns into hopelessness. Let us, who are older and wiser in our faith, reach out to our young people!! Let's show them victory and hope in Christ. Let's get dirty and messy in this journey walking alongside them. God will give us everything we need to do so.

This life is just a blink of an eye but Eternity is forever. Let's fight for our young people and point them to the cross that will save them forever. Christ is our salvation!!

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